IELTS Writing P1 Bar---The amount of tea and coffee imported by Canada, UK, USA and Germany

IELTS Writing P1

Bar---The amount of tea and coffee imported by Canada, UK, USA and Germany
The chart displays the number of tea and coffee imported by Canada, UK, USA and Germany in 2007 in tonnes.

As to the amount of imported tea, It is clear that the UK imported much more tea than each other countries. The UK had the highest number of imported tea approximately 16000 tonnes in 2007, the figure of tea imported by the USA was the next (around 9000 tonnes) and Germany ranked the third (6000 tonnes), Canada came last with 4000 tonnes.

For the quantity of coffee, it can be seen that Canada was the country which imported most coffee about 9000 tonnes in 2007, which was followed by the USA (approximately 7000 tonnes), Germany was listed the third (around 5000 tonnes) and the UK amounted to 4000, the minimum figure.

Overall, it is obvious that except for Canada, other three nations imported more tea than coffee. And in the UK, tea gained much more popularity than coffee.

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