IELTS Writing P1 Bar---Common Activities for children as part of bedtime routine

IELTS Writing P1

Bar---Common Activities for children as part of bedtime routine

The graph displays information about the common activities for children as part of bedtime routine in the United States from 3 different type.

For the 1-3 years children, the reading part had the highest rate of 65, which was followed by the part of having a bath (40). The part of brushing teeth was listed the third (30) and part of eating and watching TV amounted to 20, 15 respectively.

As to 4-5 years children, the part of reading was the large number of 70, brushing teeth was the next (45) and having a bath ranked the third (35). The part of watching TV and eating came last with 20, 10 separately.

In terms of 6-8 years children, the number was 58, 50, 32, 16 and 8 respectively in reading, brushing teeth, having a bath, watching TV and eating.

Overall, it can be seen that reading, brushing teeth and having a bath are more vital aspects of children's bedtime routine.

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