IELTS Writing P1 Bar---The amount of wind power generated in four countries between 1985 and 2000

IELTS Writing P1

Bar---The amount of wind power generated in four countries between 1985 amd 2000
The bar chart displays the quantity of wind power generated in India, Denmark, Germany and the US during 1985 to 2000.

In 1985, Germany generated around 1200 electricity by wind, which was listed the first. Next was the US with 400. India and Denmark came last with 200 separately.

In 1990, Germany was still ranked the first, which approximately 16500 electric power was produced by wind. And the US listed the second with 700. India and Denmark had a bit of growth from 200 in 1985 to 400 in 1990 respectively.

In 1995, Germany was the leading country of wind power producing with 1600, which followed by Denmark (1400). The US and India had the minimum figure with 800.

In 2000, the account of wind electricity generated was 1700, 1500, 1200 and 900 separately in Denmark, Germany, India and the US.

Overall, it is obvious that Denmark had significant growth of wind power generation during 1985 to 2000, especially in 2000, Denmark had the highest number of the wind power producing over the four countries.

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