IELTS Writing P1 Table---Information about the age, income and poverty population in 3 states in USA in 2000

IELTS Writing P1

Table---Information about the age, income and poverty population in 3 states in USA in 2000

The table chart displays the information about age, income and poverty population in California, Utah and Florida in the USA in 2000. It is clear that Utah has the highest proportion of teenagers who are under 18.

As to California, it had the percentage of persons under 18 with 27.3%, which was ranked the second. The rate of the seniors was 10.6%, who are 65 years old or over. The average income per person was $22,711 in 2000, whereas the poverty rate was 14.2% at the same time.

In term of Utah, the proportion of teenagers was 32.2% listed the first. the figure of the aged was 10.6%, moreover, the average salary per person was $18,185 which was ranked the lastest. Besides, the percentage of the poor was 9.4%.

As far as Florida, the number was 22.7%, 17.6%, 12.5% and $21,557 respectively in the teenager proportion, the rate of the elderly, the percentage of poverty and the Average earning per person.

Overall, it is obvious that California had the highest average income per person and most persons under the poverty line than Utah or Florida.

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